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Virtual Labs

Virtual Labs

Virtual teaching is educating in ‘Virtual Learning Environment’ (VLE). It is a set of teaching and learning tools designed to enhance a student’s learning experience by including computers and the Internet in the learning process. The principal components of a VLE package include curriculum mapping (breaking curriculum into sections that can be assigned and assessed), student tracking, online support for both teacher and student, electronic communication (e-mail, threaded discussions, chat, Web publishing), and Internet links to outside curriculum resources. VLE users are assigned either a teacher ID or a student ID. The teacher sees what a student sees, but the teacher has additional user rights to create or modify curriculum content and track student performance. This is an all time tested strategy wherein the data of an educator, as well as the report of the student, is kept. It maintains all time ready record of the topics covered, learned, understood, activities are done and also the score. A statistical presentation of the progress is just a click away.

Virtual Labs project is an initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India under the aegis of National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT). This project is a consortium activity of twelve participating institutes and IIT Delhi is coordinating institute. It is a paradigm shift in ICT-based education. For the first time, such an initiative has been taken-up in remote‐experimentation. Under Virtual Labs project, over 100 Virtual Labs consisting of approximately 700+ web-enabled experiments were designed for remote-operation and viewing. The intended beneficiaries of the projects are:

  • All students and Faculty Members of Science and Engineering Colleges who do not have access to good lab‐facilities and/or instruments.
  • High‐school students, whose inquisitiveness will be triggered, possibly motivating them to take up higher‐studies. Researchers in different institutes who can collaborate and share resources.
  • Different engineering colleges who can benefit from the content and related teaching resources.

  Virtual Labs do not require any additional infrastructural setup for conducting experiments at user premises. The simulations-based experiments can be accessed remotely via internet.


SVERI's College of Engineering, Pandharpur

Department of Civil Engineering

CIVIL A.Y- 2021-22


Name of the subject

Name of the subject teacher

Topic covered



Highway & Tunnel Engineering

Prof. N. D. More

Crushing test


Surveying & Geomatics

Y B Survase

Characteristics of contour


Design of Steel Structures

Prof.A. B. Kokare

What is steel


Waste water Engineering & Air Pollution

Dr. V. S. Kshirsagar

Introduction to Waste water Engineering


Basics of Civil Engineering

C R Limkar

Study of Various Parts of Auto Level


Basics of Civil Engineering

C R Limkar

Study of Various Parts of Auto Level


Engineering Mechanics

N V Mahamuni

Projectile motion


Surveying & Geomatics

Y B Survase

practical use of autolevel


Surveying & Geomatics

Y B Survase



Surveying & Geomatics

Y B Survase

Practical of Total Station


Surveying & Geomatics

Y B Survase

contouring practical


Basic Structural Analysis Lab

S S Patil

Tensile test on mild steel


Basic Structural Analysis Lab

S S Patil

Compression Test on Mild steel



As one of the most important eLearning tools, allow the student to conduct various experiments without any constraints to place or time, in contrast to the constraints of real labs. Virtual labs incorporate various pedagogical techniques that help learners to better understand the theoretical information.


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